Visitor Info


Park Photo Tour

Visitor Info 

Be Sure to Take the Photo Tour of Our Park

Office Hours                           

Oct - May: Weekdays 8:00am - 4:00pm . Weekends 12n - 4pm Closed on  major holidays
Jun - Sep:   Closed Saturday and Sunday and major holidays

pic pending

  Jack and Jackie , Park Managers


Buck and Ida, Ast Mgr








There are 170+ people on our waiting list.  For more information

Rental Rates

Dry Camping

1 day free - day 2+ $5/day.  7 day limit ($2.50 dump fee)

Full Hookups:

$15/day - includes electric.

$90/week - includes electric.

$250/4 weeks - plus electric.  

Special Note

After office hours, please park in dry camp area.

2 pet limit.  3" screw-in sewer adapter required.

Mail:  Only General Delivery at Pahrump, NV 89041

Additional rules provided at check-in.


Rest rooms, showers, clubhouse (TV, library and crafts), picnic/BBQ area, regulation horseshoe pits, WIFI  Internet and e-mail access, "grease" pit, and laundry (Must be registered at the park to use laundry)

Some of Our Visitors

Click Photo to enlarge

Josette and John Deras, SKP 65649, were our first visitors to use our new Internet/e-mail access. Alan & Wendy Wassell from Salisbury, UK were recent visitors. Rob and Jessy  from the Netherlands.  Jessy conducted craft classes of our members  Jack and Jackie are waiting to be #1 on the waiting list.  Jack helped remodel the office and other projects in the park.

Clay and Sandy ,with their new Trek MH,  are repeat visitors.

Bev and Ralph cut a rug.

Jim and Lynda From FL

Sallu and Gerry from Alberta have visited us many times.

Enjoying Social Hour

Enjoying Social Hour

Dave improves our computer networking

Mary from Northern NV is a frequent visitor

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rob jessy.jpg (238055 bytes) 

Spence and Anita, original members, return for a visit Visitors Larry and Marsha  spent 3 months helping with landscaping.& other tasks 

Nancy and Cal about to check email.  They are # 14 on Waiting List 

Visitors from the Netherlands enjoy a lunch in February 

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Nani & David  tell us about their travels at coffee 

Larry Hale, one of our recent visitors, sent this picture from Montana saying he left Pair-A-Dice too early.


Maps and Directions                           

From Las Vegas, take I-15 to SH 160 (Blue Diamond --  Pahrump turn off).  As you start to enter  town, turn left on Homestead Rd (There is a ExxonMobil gas station on NE corner).  After the VFW on left. turn next  right on Manse Rd then left on Oakridge Ave to the park (one-tenth mile).

From Baker, CA take SH 127 to Shoshone, then right on SH 178 to Pahrump (SH 178 becomes SH 372 at Nevada border).  At junction of SH 372 and SH 160, turn right and proceed to Homestead Rd and turn right.  Proceed  to Manse, Oakridge, and park as above.

From NE Nevada on US 95, take SH 160 thru Pahrump and turn right on Homestead Rd as above.

Maps from            

                                     Click for map location overview


                                      Click for map detailed location

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~NEW~ NOAA weather 162.400 Mhz

 TV Stations

LV Ch(For reference)    Pahrump CHs

3 NBC                            17/44

5 FOX                            19/53

8 CBS                             24/49

10 PBS                           28

13 ABC                          36/42

21 WB                            51

                                      41 & 30/62 Local

Ham Radio 

Las Vegas and vicinity - Wide area coverage- 146.880- (PL 100) 

Local- 146.520(S)


        223.840-  (PL 127.3)

        448.850- (PL 127.3)
