


'03 Activitys

2003 Chairpeople


Put your left foot in take your right foot out...

7 No-trump Anyone!

8 Ball in Corner Pocket

Pizza Time

Coffee Time

Hug Time

Web Surfing Time

Happy Hour Crew

Pot luck dinner before an evening of BINGO

What is next on the agenda?

Ice cream social celebrate anniversaries of Olie & Carol Need and Mel & Mary Waldron

Ice cream social celebrate  birthdays of Louise Blodgett, Olie Need, Jean Black, Bill Thomas and Ralph Kjonaas.

Recent open Board of Directors Meeting


Jo Gus (Back) teaching one of many beginning computer classes


Through the efforts of Patty Kavanaugh and other volunteers we enjoyed a wonderful St Patrick's Day dinner. 



Louise Blodgett hosts March-September birthdays. L-R: Louise, Anne Readdy, Bill Houston and Em Hager standing in for Virginia West.

Serving ice cream and home made cake at the March-September birthdays and anniversaries were Lee and Hank Dell, and Louise Blogett.

Some of our new members since the fall rally.

January/July anniversaries '03

January/July birthdays '03

Feb 03 Breakfast Cooks

Crafty Ladies

March and Sept '03 birthdays

March and Sept '03 anniversaries

Virginia and Henry celebrate 60 years together

West family helps celebrate  60th wedding anniversary  

The Cake

Lee and Hank tend the Bar on St Pat's Day '03

St Pat's Day dinner '03

Patty serves up dinner               Cleanup crew

Patty and Taco Cooks

Free Margaritas

Visitors ready for Tacos

Bingo after Tacos

Hotdog roast at Quail Run

Time to eat

Enjoying the campfire after eating

Resident cat's off springs

Monday afternoon movie gang

Jig-saw puzzle time


Pat Kavanugh's 80th Birthday



Road Work

St Pat's Dinner

Grant Whitford's 91st Birthday with wife Gay

'Summer crew' pizza party before a lively Bingo session

Labor Day pot luck

Labor Day pot luck

Election Committee stuff ballets - for mailing

Meet the Candidates for Board of Directors

Patties' Brew

Halloween Pot Luck

Halloween Pot Luck

Fall Membership Mtg

Tom Buch tends bar

Jackie from England sings for us



A great feast on Thanksgiving Day (and cleanup after)

Ladies Lunch at Sheri's Ranch Resorts

Patti tries out the S & M chair at Sheri's

Roger, visitor, fixes the CH computers

Weekly Quilting Bee

Christmas Activities

Annual penny count from birthday and anniversary celebrations  for Christmas families (Photos by Rob)

Wrapping Christmas Families Presents and loading  them for Delivery (Phoyos by John G)

Christmas Dinner and Gift Exchange

Christmas Tree

Food Table

Gift Exchange and Elf Helper

Wine Bottle had Many "Owners"